Emergency Appeal for Myanmar/Burma
As many of you may know or may not know, since the military coup that has been backed by China, the situation in Myanmar has become very grave. Many people have been killed, imprisoned and many are starving and we have even heard today with the present Covid-19 pandemic there are no medicines, no oxygen available to those who oppose this illegal regime. International NGOs have been muted. If they speak out against the military junta, if they are nationals they are arrested. If they are expatriates they are exiled. The clampdown is absolutely draconian and in some parts of Myanmar bordering on genocide. The US, Great Britain and Europe look on as the slaughter continues.
It is time, my brothers and sisters, that we sought the Lord of peace, Jesus Christ, and we got down on our knees and prayed. If there are others out there who feel as passionately as we do for our brothers and sisters and the people of Myanmar, please contact us. We are setting up an emergency appeal. We can guarantee with integrity that whatever money is raised we have a means of getting this to the people on the ground. Remember these are the body of Christ operating within the country. Do not be like the Levite or the Pharisee who walked the man on the road but be good Samaritans and show the love of Christ as John says in 1 John 3:17:
But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.
As the apostle James said, faith without works is dead.
So I am sending out this appeal for relief aid for Myanmar. If there are other organisations that wish to speak to us please contact us as we stand together with our suffering brothers and sisters in Myanmar.
Rev Ross Rennie
You can donate by sending funds to this bank account:
Bank: TSB Bank plc
Sort code: 30-96-33
Account number: 00004322
Account name: Reverend R Rennie
Reference: Myanmar Relief