Change Politics Forever

Rev Ross Rennie wearing Brexit Party rosette
Rev Ross campaigning for The Brexit Party in Peterborough

As many of you know, I have never really been engaged with politics but have always stayed on the fringes, but I believe now is the time that we are fighting the Battle of Britain. If you are a true believer and believe in democracy, when the opportunity comes for a general election your only option for freedom of speech and the proper representation of the electorate in deed, not just in word, is to vote for The Brexit Party. But as this is a personal decision you must consult your own conscience on the way you vote.

At present, we have a major problem. We have a parliament who is 75% Remain. The Speaker in the chair Mr Bercow has made it very clear that he intends to derail the democratic vote of 17.4 million people. So how will this affect us as Christians? I believe if Jeremy Corbyn and the Liberal Democrats get their hands on power we will be locked into servitude to the EU and the clock for the second coming of Jesus Christ will be accelerated. Our rights and privileges will disappear as their agenda is to neutralise the church of Jesus Christ. We will become totally irrelevant in our nation and ultimately we will see the emergence of the one-world church. There has already been a conference in the UN called the unity of religions. We have major figures in the Pentecostal movement and the established churches who have already signed up to this one-world church. Jesus said, narrow is the gate but wide is the road that goes to destruction. I was also reminded by the Lord the other day of what He said to Elijah. We are not the only ones left. “Yet I will leave 7,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him.” (1 Kings 19: 18) So be encouraged, my brothers and sisters, that ultimately God is in control, but we as the church must not be passive and just expect God to do everything. We must speak out. There are many in the body of Christ now who are in powerful positions who are saying there are many roads to God. This is absolute heresy as Jesus Christ said Himself in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one will come to the Father but by Me.” So if your leaders start talking like this I suggest you do what the Bible says and get out from amongst them, as ultimately you will be swept down the wide road to destruction.

I believe now is the time when all Christians should read their Bibles, stay close to the word of God and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and be guided by the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ. Remember what Jesus said: “My sheep know My voice and will not listen to another.” I hope you are listening to His voice and not the chatter of men, but ultimately your own salvation will depend on your own walk and how close you are to the Saviour. It is not my job to judge anyone. I am learning to walk close with my Saviour as like you I want to reach the end of my journey one day and hear those words which we all long to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.” But until then we have an opportunity once in a lifetime to change politics forever and the only party I believe can give us this is The Brexit Party. Do not listen to the lies of the BBC and the media, as much of this is led by the globalists and those who intend to put us into slavery much as the children of Israel were under Pharaoh in Egypt. We know ultimately one day unless the Lord comes through the clouds and calls us home this will happen as Scripture must be fulfilled as God cannot lie, so please, please encourage your friends, your family, your neighbours and colleagues to do the right thing when the opportunity comes.

Rev Ross Rennie

Rats in the Chamber

The other day, God gave me a vision and if I was an artist I would have painted it. All the British Members of Parliament were sitting in the chamber and the chamber was full and they suddenly turned into rats with human faces. I looked and there was the king rat sitting in the Speaker’s chair. I looked again and saw the leader of the opposition was a slightly bigger rat. I looked over to the government side and Theresa May looked like a wizened, nasty rat.

Why God showed me this I do not know but is this not much like the MPs that we elected?

I looked again and saw massive waves from the sea sweep them all away down the drain. I looked back at the chamber and it was washed clean.

What a strange dream. I cannot say it was prophetic but I do believe that the coming European elections will be a seismic change in the political nature of our country.

Rev Ross Rennie

Who Would Put Themselves in Gaol?

I hope like me you love this country, the United Kingdom. There are many forces at work that wish to break up the union. I feel a witness in my spirit that we are fighting the biggest spiritual battle this country has seen for centuries. If we end up a vassal state under the common rulebook, the customs union and the backstop, we shall have betrayed our brothers and sisters in Northern Ireland and we shall give away our freedom and democracy to unelected, undemocratic bureaucrats.

I have listened and prayed about both sides of the argument and I am now convinced that the UK will be better off under WTO rules for trading and leave means leave. I cannot understand why anybody like in the game of Monopoly would want to put themselves into gaol, give the key to the gaoler and hope one day the gaoler will set them free. I think even a six-year-old can understand this.

Mrs Theresa May, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, even though she spoke at Lancaster House and guaranteed the British public that she would work for a clean exit from the EU, has in effect betrayed this country. In times past when we were ruled by kings, she would probably have lost her head for this. I understand many feel that she has done her best, but quite frankly it is now appearing her best was not good enough, as sadly her heart was not in it and she had no intention of disengaging from the Europeans and winning back our sovereignty, our fisheries, our agriculture and our freedom to trade freely with the rest of the world.

It is your duty on Monday morning to email your MP if you feel and love this country as I do.

I have heard all the nonsense regarding we shall not be able to visit Europe on holiday, they will put tariffs on our cars and many other arguments, but you need to understand we import more from Europe than we export. That is a fact. In your garden shed, you probably have a Flymo, a Bosch drill, or even a Worcester combi-boiler. If you do not know, these are all German companies. If you look around your house you will see many products that are from the EU. So the fear tactics that the globalist elite are using are no more than fear.

It is time for this great country to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and not to be bullied by the spineless members at Westminster and show the Europeans that we do not want to see our streets such as France being set alight. There is an anger in the country which I have never experienced. It would appear that it will only take a spark and we can see the same as in France. Please pray that this would not be the case.

As we are Christians we must always obey the rule of law, but if the Mother of Parliaments is neutralised then we are closer to the Lord’s return than at any other time in our history. As many of you know, I have studied eschatology for many years, I have read many papers, I have listened to men such as Barry Smith from New Zealand, who is no longer with us. I watch with interest technology that countries such as China and now India are becoming cashless societies. They are now buying goods through their mobile phones using a QR code, which many of us now believe could be the start of the biochip. I am not saying this is the mark of the beast, but it would appear very close to a one-world trading system. Even now in the UK, as many of you do know, you can do your banking on your mobile phone, and even in Cambodia now you can pay for your bus fare by scanning a QR code. So the system is becoming more and more worldwide. We are moving to a cashless society and much of this stuff we know who is behind it. People such as Barry Smith, Charles Lawson and Leonard Ravenhill were laughed at years ago, but now we are seeing these things with our own eyes. Our situation on the 11th of this month will determine which way we go. If we end up as I have said above, I believe time is running out, as all the signs are pointing to a one-world government and a one-world church. My only prayer is that Jesus returns before these things fully take hold. You owe it to yourself to read the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as a believer.

I am sorry to give such a stark warning, but as a watchman for our God and our Father in heaven, I must obey Him first.

As many of you know, on 11 December I shall be travelling to Cambodia. The good news is God has honoured me mightily. Much of my cost inside Cambodia has been covered. I still have a shortfall of about £700 which I have to pay back on my credit cards when I return, but my faith as you know is so great I trust the Lord, my God, as this trip to Cambodia is a miracle in itself. I give all the praise and all the honour and all the glory to God.

Rev Ross Rennie

Whatsoever Things Are Lovely and Honest…

Passchendaele New British CemeteryThe world has just remembered Passchendaele and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge honoured our nation for the loss or wounding of about 275,000 allied troops in the mud and the squalor of Passchendaele. What were they fighting for? Freedom and democracy.

I believe we are moving into a time when many of these freedoms will be taken away from us and I believe this is the time when the church of Jesus Christ should rise up.

There is a left-wing, LGBT agenda, which unfortunately if you are TV licence payer you are paying for every time you pay your TV licence.

I do not know if you are like me, but I am appalled at the left-wing agenda that the BBC seem to be promoting. It is our duty as Christians to stand up for truth so I would urge you to pick up a pen and paper and write to your MP, the Prime Minister and the Director General of the BBC, Lord Hall. If you can live without a TV, the ultimate thing you can do is disconnect your television, which much of today seems to be anti-Christ promoting values that the BBC was never set up to do. Their founders on their own statue of a sower which can be found in Broadcasting House stated clearly,


This temple of the arts and muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors in the year of our Lord 1931, John Reith being Director-General. And they pray that good seed sown may bring forth good harvest, and that all things foul or hostile to peace may be banished thence, and that the people inclining their ear to whatsoever things are lovely and honest, whatsoever things are of good report, may tread the path of virtue and wisdom.

So it would be clear to me the founders of the BBC believed in the Bible. The present Director General it is very clear by the types of programmes he is sanctioning does not hold any of these values that the founders believed in, which are much of the values of the Bible and God’s word.

So now is not the time to procrastinate. It is time to make your voice heard. Share this with your brothers and sisters in church, as one letter to an MP or the BBC is equivalent to a thousand. We can make a difference if we stand up and are counted. There is an old saying, evil increases because men and women do nothing. If you agree with me, let me know. If you disagree , also let us know.

May God bless us as we all stand up for truth and justice in our nation.

Rev Ross Rennie

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