A Seasonal Message from Rev Ross Rennie

I would like you to lift our brother in the Lord Dr Mackereth. This man has stood for the fundamental right of every Christian in this nation. If you believe like us then I would ask you to sign a petition, write to your MP about this injustice. You yourselves may find yourselves in a similar situation if you stand for the truth of the word of God. We as Christians can never compromise our faith. Jesus Himself said these words:

“Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10: 32-33)

He also said our yes should be yes and our no should be no.

We as Christians are now living in an Orwellian society. Doctors and those in the NHS are losing their jobs because they will not accept the LGBTQ agenda. If you read previous articles you will see the position of this ministry. Myers and I were discussing the other day there may come a day when the authorities will come for us because of our uncompromising stance on the word of God and we too could find ourselves in a courtroom or even in a prison cell. This is a price we would gladly pay for the honour of the Name which is above every name, the Name of Jesus Christ. You yourselves may find yourselves in a similar position. So we are going to stand full square behind the doctor and any others who through no fault of their own find themselves in a similar position. I believe a time is now coming when we as Christians have to nail our colours to the mast, this is not a time for compromise but for standing firm on the word of God, as when this life is over and we leave our mortal bodies we shall give an account for how we have conducted ourselves since we have been born again,

I also believe this is the time that we reassess what we believe, we kick out the garbage and we get back to the truth of the gospel. Many of you are getting ready to celebrate a pagan festival. If you check the history of this particular festival you will find it was first instituted by Saint Augustine, who took pagan festivals and assimilated them as Christian holidays. Christmas, Santa Claus, green trees, tinsel and sadly even the nativity have no basis in reality, as firstly Jesus Christ was not born on 25 December. He was born approximately September to October. There was no snow or the things that we have accepted, the lies we have told our children, which I myself have been guilty of and have just recently come to a place where I have repented. Unfortunately, a lie is a lie, no matter how we cover it up, and I like many parents lied to my children, but this is a matter for your own conscience.

I believe God the eternal, mighty Spirit is now challenging the body of Christ to realign itself with the truth and clean up our houses, and as somebody once said long ago, George Jeffreys the founder of the Elim Pentecostal movement, put our houses in order, as if the Master came today would he be welcome in your house? Would He find things in your house that you are ashamed of or could you welcome the King? As we move into this holiday season, we need to seek the Lord while He may be found, ask the Holy Spirit to challenge us and search our hearts for any wickedness. I myself have been doing this for a considerable amount of time now as I want to be found by my Lord and my Saviour a good and faithful servant. What about you?

Rev Ross Rennie

Whatsoever Things Are Lovely and Honest…

Passchendaele New British CemeteryThe world has just remembered Passchendaele and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge honoured our nation for the loss or wounding of about 275,000 allied troops in the mud and the squalor of Passchendaele. What were they fighting for? Freedom and democracy.

I believe we are moving into a time when many of these freedoms will be taken away from us and I believe this is the time when the church of Jesus Christ should rise up.

There is a left-wing, LGBT agenda, which unfortunately if you are TV licence payer you are paying for every time you pay your TV licence.

I do not know if you are like me, but I am appalled at the left-wing agenda that the BBC seem to be promoting. It is our duty as Christians to stand up for truth so I would urge you to pick up a pen and paper and write to your MP, the Prime Minister and the Director General of the BBC, Lord Hall. If you can live without a TV, the ultimate thing you can do is disconnect your television, which much of today seems to be anti-Christ promoting values that the BBC was never set up to do. Their founders on their own statue of a sower which can be found in Broadcasting House stated clearly,


This temple of the arts and muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors in the year of our Lord 1931, John Reith being Director-General. And they pray that good seed sown may bring forth good harvest, and that all things foul or hostile to peace may be banished thence, and that the people inclining their ear to whatsoever things are lovely and honest, whatsoever things are of good report, may tread the path of virtue and wisdom.

So it would be clear to me the founders of the BBC believed in the Bible. The present Director General it is very clear by the types of programmes he is sanctioning does not hold any of these values that the founders believed in, which are much of the values of the Bible and God’s word.

So now is not the time to procrastinate. It is time to make your voice heard. Share this with your brothers and sisters in church, as one letter to an MP or the BBC is equivalent to a thousand. We can make a difference if we stand up and are counted. There is an old saying, evil increases because men and women do nothing. If you agree with me, let me know. If you disagree , also let us know.

May God bless us as we all stand up for truth and justice in our nation.

Rev Ross Rennie