Wake Up to the Danger of Gender Reassignment

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

There is a shift going on in our nation. There is an evil which is starting to grow like a cancer: the LGBT community and the transgender activists. In America there are those now speaking out for gender equality and it will not be long as you are seeing on your television screens a transgender model activist called Morgan ridiculing eminent psychiatrists and doctors. You may or may not know of a doctor who has been sacked from the NHS for stating clearly there is no such thing as transgender. Biologically we are born male and female and we have one or two of the genes, an X-chromosome and a Y-chromosome, which scientifically has been proved. As the word of God says, I knew you in your mother’s womb. We are born male or female; everything else is a perversion of God’s creation and we all know where that comes from.

It is time we as the body of Christ rose up, as Christian Concern is doing, and stood for our nation. We have lost the adults but now these perversions are trying to get your children and your grandchildren. If you allow this to happen, as the word of God says clearly, you are accountable for their sin and it will be as if you are doing it yourselves. I am not here to judge you, I am here to inform you what the word of God says. My children are grown up, so it is of no consequence to me. but Jesus Christ Himself said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not.” When the disciples rebuked the children for coming to Jesus, Jesus rebuked the disciples. No matter what translation of the Bible you read, you find this scripture in three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. When you see something which is in all three gospels and was omitted in John. you know there is something very important about this statement. It is clear when you read these scriptures, if you take time, you see how much Jesus loved the children. It is time, church, that children were given the right to have a childhood. If Mermaids, Stonewall and the transgender activists get their way, they will be testing children as young as seven. I know what I felt like when I was a little boy, that I was impressionable, and it is very easy as paedophiles know to influence children. Now we have the state mandating for schools this abomination.

It is your responsibility as grandparents and parents to write to your MPs, make your views known. The Islamic community is rising against this abomination as they see the danger, and it is time the body of Christ spoke out. It amazes me how many ministers who profess to love the Lord Jesus Christ are silent on these subjects. Are they frightened to lose their position, their pay-cheque? Was it not Jesus who said, if you give up anything for Me, great will be your reward, or am I reading a different Bible to them? Where are our leaders? Are they asleep like Baal on Mount Carmel? I myself am very insignificant in the scheme of the body of Christ in the United Kingdom, but as a man of the gospel of Jesus Christ I will make my views known.

What will you do with this information? Up until today, you might have been ignorant of it, but I suggest you take a look at YouTube and see where this battle is going. We do not battle with flesh and blood, but as Ephesians 6: 12 says clearly, ‘against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ Well, we have just seen in America the former President Barack Obama and the Democrats, which I believe are the high places that the Bible speaks of, open the floodgates of evil upon the world. We have pop stars such as Elton John parading their filth. We have gay ‘pride’ marches in our cities. And now, if you are conservative, moral, decent, you are considered a freak if you do not want to deliver up to Baal your children and your grandchildren, in the United Kingdom you are considered strange. Sadly those in our churches and our Christian media are all turning a blind eye when condoning sin. If we are to be the people of God that God intended it is time to rise. Seek the Lord while you may. We need to get on our knees and ask God for ourselves, what part shall we play in this?

We as Grace Missions UK have made our stand. We will not stand by and allow the devil to take the children. Parents and grandparents, how many of you allow your children to watch CBBC, CBeebies, Nickelodeon? Did you also know that the Teletubbies, SpongeBob SquarePants and many other of these programmes are indoctrinating your children? God help this nation and may Jesus return soon, or as many are praying we have a major revival and much of this filth will be swept away as God did with the flood in the days of Noah.

So, my brothers and sisters, please search your conscience, seek the Holy Spirit and do not be passive.

If you have any views on this subject I will be pleased to listen, as God has been challenging me for months now on Genesis 19 and Romans 1.

God bless you all and let us do the right thing.

Rev Ross Rennie

What goes in must come out

I have been challenged this morning by the Lord. As many of you know, I am not religious. I am a man of faith and I would believe I walk in grace. But I have found myself recently being challenged by what I watch and what I read. It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and what goes in must come out. Our ears are a doorway to the soul. Again what goes in must come out. We put food in our mouths and it has been said, what we eat we become. So if our ears are the doorway and our eyes are the window of the soul it is clear to me what goes in has to come out. So when we are watching East Enders, Coronation Street, reality shows, is that wholesome, is it pleasing? The word of God says, Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things (Philippians 4: 8). So do not take my word for it, read your own Bibles.

I believe this is the problem with most of the established church. I myself was caught up in a lie for about seven years as I misinterpreted Scripture and believed I could do as I liked and there were no consequences, as my sins were forgiven, past, present and future. I could watch what I wanted, do what I wanted and there were no consequences. That was my mistake, not that of those who taught me, but my interpretation of what I believed was extended grace. The Bible says it is a bad thing when we deceive ourselves. The consequences of this were I ended up in the wilderness for a long time. The good news is I am out of the wilderness now and I for one would never want to go back into that deception.

I have been challenged by the Lord about that little screen in the corner of our house and I believe it is now a time when all Christians need to make a stand and cancel their TV licences with the BBC. I myself have challenged the BBC and I have found out that whether you watch the BBC or not you are paying for their anti-Christ, LGBT agenda. What perverted, degenerate producer came up with the title ‘Gay Britannia’? I think this is an insult to Queen Victoria and all the God-fearing people that lived before us. I suggest this is not the time to be passive but to be proactive and write to your MP and the Director General Lord Hall. Do not write to the complaints department. Write to Lord Hall and bombard him with your disgust. Or make a bolder stand and cancel your TV licence. There will be outcries from your children, but you are responsible for your children, what they watch, what they do, and it is your responsibility to bring them up in the nurture and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. When they are old enough they can make their own decisions.

Unfortunately we as a Christian nation have compromised and, as somebody once said, you do not have to become an ape to win apes. This society is trying to rewrite the Bible. We are the people with the truth and the world is the one with the lie and the father of lies, the devil. Stand up, stand up for Jesus and follow the cross.

If you agree with us, contact us. If you disagree, we would still like to hear from you. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Please share this article with your friends and family.

Rev Ross Rennie