Change Politics Forever

Rev Ross Rennie wearing Brexit Party rosette
Rev Ross campaigning for The Brexit Party in Peterborough

As many of you know, I have never really been engaged with politics but have always stayed on the fringes, but I believe now is the time that we are fighting the Battle of Britain. If you are a true believer and believe in democracy, when the opportunity comes for a general election your only option for freedom of speech and the proper representation of the electorate in deed, not just in word, is to vote for The Brexit Party. But as this is a personal decision you must consult your own conscience on the way you vote.

At present, we have a major problem. We have a parliament who is 75% Remain. The Speaker in the chair Mr Bercow has made it very clear that he intends to derail the democratic vote of 17.4 million people. So how will this affect us as Christians? I believe if Jeremy Corbyn and the Liberal Democrats get their hands on power we will be locked into servitude to the EU and the clock for the second coming of Jesus Christ will be accelerated. Our rights and privileges will disappear as their agenda is to neutralise the church of Jesus Christ. We will become totally irrelevant in our nation and ultimately we will see the emergence of the one-world church. There has already been a conference in the UN called the unity of religions. We have major figures in the Pentecostal movement and the established churches who have already signed up to this one-world church. Jesus said, narrow is the gate but wide is the road that goes to destruction. I was also reminded by the Lord the other day of what He said to Elijah. We are not the only ones left. “Yet I will leave 7,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him.” (1 Kings 19: 18) So be encouraged, my brothers and sisters, that ultimately God is in control, but we as the church must not be passive and just expect God to do everything. We must speak out. There are many in the body of Christ now who are in powerful positions who are saying there are many roads to God. This is absolute heresy as Jesus Christ said Himself in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one will come to the Father but by Me.” So if your leaders start talking like this I suggest you do what the Bible says and get out from amongst them, as ultimately you will be swept down the wide road to destruction.

I believe now is the time when all Christians should read their Bibles, stay close to the word of God and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and be guided by the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ. Remember what Jesus said: “My sheep know My voice and will not listen to another.” I hope you are listening to His voice and not the chatter of men, but ultimately your own salvation will depend on your own walk and how close you are to the Saviour. It is not my job to judge anyone. I am learning to walk close with my Saviour as like you I want to reach the end of my journey one day and hear those words which we all long to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.” But until then we have an opportunity once in a lifetime to change politics forever and the only party I believe can give us this is The Brexit Party. Do not listen to the lies of the BBC and the media, as much of this is led by the globalists and those who intend to put us into slavery much as the children of Israel were under Pharaoh in Egypt. We know ultimately one day unless the Lord comes through the clouds and calls us home this will happen as Scripture must be fulfilled as God cannot lie, so please, please encourage your friends, your family, your neighbours and colleagues to do the right thing when the opportunity comes.

Rev Ross Rennie

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