Jesus Weeps Over His Church

We are living in very strange times. Jesus warned us in the last days there would be many false prophets. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth and there is no deviance in Him.

My Christian background was brethren. I was in the brethren church for seven years of my Christian life. I received the finest teaching from the finest teachers and I was privileged to sit under great men of God like Lance Pibworth the 20th century John Bunyan, Professor Verna Wright of Leeds University, Dr Knight from Wrexham, Roger Carswell from Leeds, my own pastor, who is now very elderly, Pastor Paul Brown from Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, but I thank God for these godly people whose instruction has kept me for many years, but even with after being taught by these people I still walked into error and spent between seven and eight years in false doctrine listening to false prophets.

One of my pastors once told me there is an element of truth in everything. The problem is we need to be aware of the error which leads us down the wide path to destruction. My dear old mum once said, all that glitters is not gold. As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ I am saddened by what I see in the west: men and women chasing after power and adoration and some of them absolutely dishonest; these snake oil salesmen from America; TV evangelists; people denying the Godhead, teaching that Jesus was just a man like any other man and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the Jordan; others saying that Jesus went into hell, took on demonic properties, suffered as we would suffer in hell, then was raised on the third day, when we know He said on the cross, “τετέλεσται—tetelestai—it is finished!”

My brothers and sisters, whether you believe this or not it matters not to me. Jesus suffered hell on the cross when there was darkness over the earth from the sixth hour to the ninth hour. God punished His own Son for you and for me. No human being saw the pain that my Saviour suffered on the cross, so how these charlatans can say these awful things I do not understand. If Jesus was not very God and He was not very man then we are all condemned to hell and there is no heaven; there is just hell waiting for all of us.

Why have we become so selfish? It is not about you. It is not about what you can get, a bigger house, bigger car, a better education; it is about the countless souls that will be cast into the lake of fire because the church does not care. Where has the holiness gone? Our godly women go to church dressed as harlots. What is wrong with beauty? The church looks no different from the world we live in. it has lost its godliness. We cry for revival but much of it is self-centred. Our Christian TV and radio stations pump out more and more lies.

I believe the Lord is calling the nation to repentance or we shall get what we deserve. David wrote the wonderful psalm: “Search me, O God, and see if there is any wickedness in me.” We have ministers denying the truth, accepting gay marriage, allowing our young to fornicate. I am not into religion, I am into holiness and I write this with tears in my eyes. Jesus weeps over His church. We have leaders who deny that Jesus rose from the dead bodily. We have selfish people in the church who only look after their own interests and not the interests of others. We have accepted a false gospel. We have ministers visualising cars and houses, which is no more than Buddhism, new-age teaching, predictions which is nothing more than witchcraft in the church.

Where are the spiritual fathers who will call the church back to what it should be? I thank God for people like Gino Jennings in the USA, Charles Lawson and many of our great leaders such as David Wilkerson who have gone. We have young, puffed-up ministers such as Todd White, Todd Bentley and Steve Chalke to name a few, who are nothing more than false prophets. Where are the spiritual fathers who will speak up for the truth, I wonder. Are we a nation of orphans and as Jesus said, “Will I faith on the earth?” Not word and faith, name-it, claim-it, grab-it ministries, but holy, humble, righteous men of God? Where are you? Are you like Adam, hiding?

If you feel the same as I do, broken-hearted, today, share it with others as the church was never meant to serve itself, it was called to serve others. I know there are many out there like me who feel as I do that it is time we challenged those who are not following the true and living gospel as the apostle Paul did, as the apostles did, and as many in foreign countries who are under persecution are. I plead for my nation. We are at the time, my brothers and sisters, that we got back in the battle. Forgive me if I am speaking to those who are already in the battle. You know who you are. But now is the time to pray as we have never prayed before, or billions of souls will be lost.

God bless you.

Rev Ross Rennie

One comment

  • pr makori

    l praise the LORD JESUS for the might work he has raise in you.Remember the lord God when he called Jeremia 1:4.I support you to stand firm in the presense of lord to lead many people in righteousness and holyness.l support you and desire to me you and serve the LORD with you together.thanks to welcome me God bless Amen

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